Those who include the mixing of their tarot cards prior to their reading will no doubt come across cards that are turned upside down. These cards are normally called "reverse" and have separate meanings than their upright counterparts. There are those learners who take these cards in a spread and upright their positioning, only taking those meanings into account for the reading. There is nothing wrong with this and according to a pole taken on the Sleepy Forest Instagram there are quite a few of you who's technique omits the use the Reversed cards. Considering that the Reversed meanings of the cards are often times negative reflections of their Upright counterparts the fear is understandable but the refusing to include half of the system can also lead to the missing information the cards are trying to tell you.
You can attribute reading tarot to psychic driving. While you are reading, you are the blind driver asking the cards for direction. Would you rather they let you know about the cliff you might be about to drive over or keep the more dangerous and negative aspects to themselves.
Hermetic Principal of Polarity dictates that everything has its opposite. Night has Day, Up has Down, The Tree of Life has the Tree of Death or the Qlipoth, and Upright Tarot meanings have Reversed. Take a look through most sources on Tarot and you will find that many of the reverse meanings in the books are negative or lesser meanings, so much so that there are constantly people looking for advice on how to relay readings with particularly harsh messages. To those people I give the gentle reminder that The Tarot isn't exactly a divination system that has been known for sugar coating the messages it relays. If there is something to be said, the cards will tell it to you and new learners may shy away from the bluntness of Tarot. Every reader has their own style and if you have found one that works for you stick to it. Your magic is your own. Be aware though that there are Layers and layers of the tarot that not using the reversed meanings will cause you not to see. We believe that Cross training is important in Magic and having the knowledge of reversed meanings in your magic supply may come in handy.