Brigid was the most admired goddess by the poets of her time. To celebrate we are holding the Brigid's Poetic Confessions Contest.
In this contest your secret confessions could win you cold hard cash along with over awesome prizes. In around 200 words or less create a confession or a poem to your special someone. Poems will be read and voted on by the judges as well as the community from February 1st (Brigid) to the 14th (St Valentines) when a winner will be selected.
Entrants will remain anonymous with the sole exception of the recipient when read on the Sleepy Forest Academy's Official Morning Announcements from 2/1/2021 through 2/14/2021
Please keep confessions to around 200 words or less.
Winners will be selected based on the following criteria:
-Followers Opinion and votes (50%)
-Poetic content (12.5%)
-Emotional Content (12.5%)
-Creativity will be considered but will not be the only factor when judging. (25%)
If you are not a student (Enter by following this link~)
Otherwise you may Submit your entry below
Entry #6
it's not fair. after all you did, i
still want your skin right next to me. it's insanity.
from the stem you picked her dry. letting the petals cry with the breeze. dance of disease.
do i dare? admit to the sin.
craving bloody gin from inside his veins to taste the pain.
i could lie and make the claim. save her from your aim, steal your lust.
it's only just
Entry #5
Our friendship
assured by the gravity of the attraction.
Our laughter a double edges sword
and with each exhausted breath
it was I that fell in love
we looked away.
Beaming after a nervous kiss
to hide the blush
red like,
your chilled cheek against my chest
as we wander beneath moonlight,
years to be kissed.
by the morning sun.
Natural enough to undress completely
in your presence and not want to hide.
Cuddled, legs entwined faces niches apart.
I feel your ribs, your fingertips, your bare collarbone.
Do I kiss those lips
and shatter the illusion?
Entry #4
Why was the trust broken,
and what for. . . ?
There is nothing more,
no words on earth
that can be uttered
to cover up the untruthfulness.
Entry #3
I boiled down your toxin
But the fresh stuff can't be beat
I keep licking for collections
in my teeth
I found you hibernating
Where the forest meets the
Street your eyelids lie,
there's nothing you don't see
The grey fire lit us awful your
teeth were dull and didn't
glint but I hushed up, you
opened wide. I took the hint.
Entry #2
Our eyes met
and I fell
We kissed
and I flew
Entry #1
As snow in the sun she
Melts into the garden
Irises burst
From the dirt