Sometimes I get asked to preform a tarot Reading but I don't have my cards on me. (As rare of an occasion as this is, it does happen) And being the over achieving people pleasing Witch that I am, I often find myself attempting to accommodate. Luckily the more correspondences you know in magic, the easier accomodation is. You see, our favorite divination card system actually had a grandshild in your average playing cards. (Because originality is dead) Looking closely you may have already noticed some relations. Diamonds are easily Discs as both carry the materialistic connotation and Swords may look a lot like Spades. Perhaps a Club, like a Wand, is a little more than a very long stick. And what better way to describe Cups than the over so emotional Heart. This being the case one can easily preform a Tarot-esque reading after a short trip to your local mini-mart.